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When Can I Retire?

When Can I Retire? A Comprehensive Guide for Pre-Retirees

Retirement can offer the freedom to pursue passions, spend time with loved ones, and create lasting memories. However, determining when you can comfortably retire requires careful planning and consideration of various factors. Let’s explore what retirement means to you and how to ensure a secure and fulfilling future.

Defining Retirement Goals and Legacy

Before calculating numbers and assessing finances, start by defining what retirement means to you. Consider:

  • What are your goals? Do you dream of traveling the world, starting a new hobby, or perhaps volunteering?
  • What will be your legacy? Think about how you want to be remembered and what impact you want to leave behind. This could include financial support for your children or contributions to charitable causes.

Having clear goals and a vision for your legacy will guide your financial planning process and ensure that your resources align with your aspirations.

Assessing Your Lifestyle Affordability

One critical question to ask is, “What kind of lifestyle can I afford in retirement?”

  • Expect expenses to be at least 70% of your current costs. While some expenses may decrease (like commuting costs), others might increase (like healthcare and leisure activities).

Evaluate your current spending and make realistic projections to ensure your retirement income will cover your desired lifestyle.

Understanding Your Risk Tolerance

Your risk tolerance will significantly influence your retirement planning:

  • Are you risk-averse? If so, you may prefer steady income streams from fixed investments.
  • Do you prefer a combination of growth and income? This might involve a mix of stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles.

Balancing growth and income is key to maintaining financial stability and achieving long-term goals. For some, a steady income provides the comfort needed to spend money in retirement.

Calculating Healthcare Expenses

Healthcare costs are often underestimated in retirement planning:

  • Medicare benefits begin at age 65, but it won’t cover all healthcare needs, especially long-term care.
  • Have you considered long-term care insurance? Understanding the gaps in Medicare and planning for long-term care is crucial to avoid unexpected and significant expenses.

Planning Your Legacy

Your legacy is a vital part of your retirement plan:

  • What do you want to leave behind for your children or charitable causes? Consider estate planning, wills, and trusts to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Consulting with a financial advisor and estate attorney can help you structure your legacy in a tax-efficient manner, maximizing benefits for your heirs and the causes you care about.


Determining your ability to retire is a multifaceted process. It requires a realistic mix of your resources, expected expenses (including healthcare), and legacy goals. By considering these factors and planning accordingly, you can confidently transition to a fulfilling and secure retirement.

If you need personalized guidance on your retirement planning, contact Compound Wealth Advisors to begin your financial journey towards a prosperous retirement.

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